
Angular Certification

Become an Angular Certified Developer

About Our Certification Exam

Made by Angular GDEs

Take our Angular Certification exam online and become a certified Angular developer.

We offer three levels of certification, from beginner to expert developers.

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How it works

Certification Process

About Our Certification Exam

The goal of our certification exam is to validate your skills as an Angular Developer.

Certified developers can use their exam result as a reference when applying for a job.

Our exam is meant to recognize experienced Angular developers and help them reach the next step in their career.

First step: Online test

A 25-minute long test with 50 questions on Angular, TypeScript, and JavaScript.

The test has to be taken in one seating with no possible retry.

A score of at least 70% is required. This is the only step for the Level 1 exam. The level 2 exam has two more steps.

Second step: Application coding

Build an Angular application following a given specification.

All CSS and HTML is provided. Your focus is to build the Angular architecture of the application.

Your code will be validated by an expert before you can move on to the final step.

Final step: Video interview

During the final video interview, the application built in step #2 is reviewed by an Angular expert.

The goal is to discuss the architecture of your application for a maximum of 20 to 25 minutes.

At the end of the interview, the expert will give you some feedback and let you know the final result.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to know to take the certification exam?

The certification (levels 1 and 2) is all about knowing the basics of components, pipes, directives, and services, as well as a bit of routing, forms, and RxJS.

Level 3 is for experienced developers and covers more in-depth knowledge of architecture patterns, RxJs operators, performance, and more advanced framework features.

You can also use our certification wizard to decide which exam is right for you.

Do you provide study materials?

Yes. We have online courses available, and we provide preparation packages on our certification purchase page. That said, we recommend taking the exam after you have a few weeks/months of actual experience with the framework.

What's in the preparation package?

A study guide with all the different types of questions asked in the test, alongside with links to study materials for each topic. You also get 2 different sample tests to practice before taking on the actual exam.

What do I get after being certified?

You will receive a PDF certificate with a verification code. We can also share your success on LinkedIn and Twitter if you're so inclined. We will also show you how to showcase your certification on LinkedIn.

Is the certification available anywhere in the world?

Yes. We have certified people in the US, Australia, the UK, Vietnam, Russia, Brazil... Everywhere!

Can I do the final interview in a different language than English?

Yes. The final interview can be done in French, Spanish, German, or Italian. You can also ask us for more language options.

Can I retry the exam if I fail?

We do not offer free retries, but you can pay for another attempt later on when you feel ready for it.

I was certified prior to the different levels you now offer. Where does my old certification stand?

The certifications done prior to the level 1, 2, 3 tiers were level 2 certifications. You can reach out to us for an updated certificate.

I want to get certified. Where do I start?

Scroll down a little bit more and select the exam you want to take. Click on the "More info" button, and you'll be able to purchase your test. You'll receive a link to you online quiz. There is no time limit to get started with the quiz, but there is a 25-minute time limit once you start answering the quiz.

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Level 1 - Junior

For new Angular developers with a few days/weeks of experience.

  • Online quiz - Score of 70% required to pass (25 minutes)
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Level 2 - Intermediate

For developers with a few months/years of experience.

  • Online quiz - Score of 70% required to pass (25 minutes)
  • Coding exercise - Write a small app (3-4 hours)
  • Interview - Answer questions about your app (15-20 minutes)
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Level 3 - Expert

For Angular masters with years of experience.

  • Online quiz - Score of 70% required to pass (35 minutes)
  • Coding exercise - Improve a small app with advanced features (3-4 hours)
  • Interview - Answer questions about your app (15-20 minutes)
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