Change detection for Angular components

Angular comes with two component change detection strategies: default and onPush.

Default is used by default: Angular will check if your component needs to be refreshed every time something happens in the browser. Zone.js triggers such change detection by notifying Angular when a DOM event happens (someone clicked on a button) or a setTimeout completes, or an HTTP request completes.

In other words, any time a callback function runs in the browser, Angular will check if our components need to be re-rendered with new data.

With onPush, the change detection behavior changes. onPush indicates that our component only relies on inputs to display data (in other words – it’s a presentation component) and that DOM events or HTTP requests do not impact the HTML rendering of that component.

As a result, you can use onPush to improve the performance of your presentation components, which is another good reason to follow the presentation vs. container components approach covered yesterday. The official documentation here shows an in-depth dive into change detection strategies.

Container vs. Presentation Components

One of the fundamental concepts of component architecture in Angular applications is to find the right balance between container and presentation components.

Let’s define what those are:

  • Presentation components are reusable, simple pieces of UI. Think buttons, dialogs, cards, nav bars, etc.
  • Container components are the exact opposite: They’re not reusable. They’re tied to a specific use case. Those are usually entire screens or sub-screens, the app component, etc.

From a code standpoint, container components use services to interact with the back end. Such components know where to get the data using those services and then feed that data to their children using inputs, which are presentation components:

A simple way to identify those components is that presentation components only have inputs and outputs, no dependency injection. Container components have dependencies injected and most likely no inputs or outputs.

When to use container vs. presentation components?

Suppose you have components that are good candidates to become presentation components but are using services. In that case, you can most likely inject that service in its parent container and then pass the data to said component using an input. That way, your presentation component will be reusable in other places without being tied to a specific use case.

Of course, just like with any best practice, there are exceptions to consider. There are times when reusability makes sense and others when it does not. Do not force your components into one of these categories if it doesn’t make sense, but give it a try if it’s a quick win. Your application architecture (and possibly performance – stay tuned for more on that soon) will thank you later.

Template Reference Variables

Welcome to the very first edition of my daily Angular Newsletter! As promised, I’ll keep it nice and short.

Today’s topic is Template Reference variables. I usually call that feature “the hashtag syntax” because that’s how it’s used:

<input #phone placeholder="phone number" />Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Here’s how I could use that reference variable to get the value of the input, for instance:

<button (click)="callPhone(phone.value)">Call</button>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

phone refers to the input element with the #phone attribute created earlier. That’s the template reference variable.
These variables can be used instead of ngModel, for instance. Even better, they also work with components and directives!

For instance, the following template reference variable hello would have access to all public properties and methods of the HelloComponent:

<app-hello #hello ></app-hello>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

For more information and examples, you can read another short blog post of mine here.