Prefetching with the @defer block

We’ve covered how to use @defer to lazy-load blocks of code in our Angular v17+ applications. We also touched on the different trigger options as well as the ability to create custom triggers with when.

Yet there’s more to uncover with the prefetch option:

The above code would display my-component when the user interacts with the web page, but it would prefetch the code on idle, meaning as soon as the browser isn’t busy doing anything else. That way, when the user starts interacting with the page, the component has already been downloaded (or is currently downloading) from the server, which speeds things up.

The nice thing about prefetch is that it supports the same triggers (idle, viewport, interaction, hover, immediate, timer) as the @defer block, which allows for lots of different possible customizations.

Local variables and the new block syntax

Earlier this year, I mentioned how the async pipe can become much more useful if we use a local variable instead of multiplying subscriptions to an Observable. In this example, we store the data we get from a subscription in the user variable:

While that syntax still works as is, you might want to use the new control flow syntax of Angular 17. Fortunately for us, it is possible to use local variables as well using the following syntax:

The only difference is the ; in the middle of the expression.

Angular 17: Lazy-loading with @defer

Angular 17 is available, and we already covered its new optional control-flow syntax. Today, let’s cover the new option to fully customize lazy-loading with Angular using @defer.

What’s great about @defer is that it does not rely on the Angular router anymore. You can lazy-load any standalone component anywhere, anytime, and on your terms, as you can decide the trigger to load that component.

Let’s start with a basic example:

The above code will load the HelloComponent as soon as the browser is idle, which means it’s done loading everything else. While that is happening, we can decide to display a placeholder, and in my case, I decided that such a placeholder would be displayed for a minimum of 2 seconds no matter what. You can use seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) as a time unit:

You can see the above code in action here on Stackblitz. Note that the Angular Language service was updated accordingly, so VS Code (Stackblitz is a web-based VS code), Webstorm, and other IDEs already know about the new @defer syntax and do proper highlighting of it!

We can also specify a loading template and an error template, all customizable with a minimum amount of time during which we would display those templates (example on Stackblitz here):

I used “big” numbers to see the different states in my examples. Note that @loading supports an “after ” option only to show the loading template if loading takes more than a certain amount of time, so you don’t have to display anything if the component loads quickly. Both parameters are optional:

These are the different new blocks available with @defer. Tomorrow, we’ll look at the various possible triggers.

Perf and template syntax – Example 3

Yesterday, we looked at the pros and cons of our second code example.

Today, let’s cover the pros and cons of our third and final example:

Example #3 – Signal

<div *ngFor="let data of dataSignal()">{{}}</div>

This last example is very interesting for a few reasons. First, if you follow Angular best practices, you might be screaming that we’re calling a method in a template, and you would discard that code immediately.

But the thing is, this is a Signal, and Signals are different. It’s perfectly fine to call a Signal in a template, and as a matter of fact, this is the way to do it so Angular knows where Signals are read and can then optimize DOM updates based on that information.

Even better, when we use a signal with ngFor, the subscriber to that signal is actually a view (an instance of ng-template) and not the entire component. When Signal-based components become part of the framework, Angular will be able to re-render just that view instead of the entire HTML template of that component.

What are the cons, then?

The only downside of Signals is that they require Angular v16+, so you’ll need to upgrade your apps to use them. The other downside is that the full benefits of improved change detection are not there yet and won’t land in v17 either, but the Angular team is making steady progress, and some early parts of Signal-based components were released in version 16.2.

Other than that, Signals are the way to go. if you’re just getting started with Angular and building a new app, I believe you should use Signals as much as possible.

Perf and template syntax – Example 2

Yesterday, we looked at the pros and cons of our first code example.

Today, let’s cover the pros and cons of our second example:

Example #2 – Observable

<div *ngFor="let data of getData() | async">{{}}</div>

This code is calling a method in a template, too, and that’s a lot worse than in example #1. Here’s why: If the getData() method returns an Observable by calling httpClient.get() (or a service that makes that same call) then the async pipe subscribes to it and receives the data, which triggers change detection, so Angular calls getData() again, gets a new Observable, the async pipe subscribes to it, and there you have an infinite loop of HTTP requests that will bring down your browser for sure, and possibly your server.

How to fix it?

<div *ngFor="let data of data$ | async">

Store the Observable in a variable instead of calling a method, and the problem is solved. You can assign that Observable in the constructor of your component as follows:

constructor(service: DataService) {$ = servie.getData();
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

At this point the code is pretty much optimal because:

The only con is the async pipe syntax and working with Observables, which is often considered the most complex part of the Angular learning curve.

Perf and template syntax – Example 1

Yesterday, I sent you 3 different examples of Angular binding syntaxes and asked you to take a look at them and identify the pros and cons of each one.

Today, let’s cover the pros and cons of our first example:

Example #1 – Array of data

<div *ngFor="let data of getData()">

The only pro of this example is the simplicity of the syntax. Other than that, the syntax uses one of the anti-patterns covered earlier in this newsletter: Calling a method in a template. The problem is that this method will be called a lot more than you’d think, and if that code happened to create a new array every single time, it could be really bad in terms of performance, as Angular would have to re-render the entire list pretty much every time the user does anything in the application.

What can we do to improve it?

  1. Use a variable instead of a method – this fixes the performance issue right away:

    <div *ngFor="let data of dataList">
  2. Use a trackBy function to avoid useless re-renders. By telling Angular what’s the unique ID of each list item, Angular would be less confused, but it’s a sub-par solution:

    <div *ngFor="let data of getData(); trackBy: trackById">


If you want to iterate over data that’s in your component (not an observable or a Signal), then use a variable instead of calling a method. Easy enough.

Performance and template syntax

Today, I’d like to challenge you with a small exercise. Take a minute to examine the three following code examples and decide which option performs best. Note how similar those three options are from a syntax standpoint, yet they yield very different results performance-wise:

Example #1 – Array of data

<div *ngFor="let data of getData()">{{}}</div>

Example #2 – Observable

<div *ngFor="let data of getData() | async">{{}}</div>

Example #3 – Signal

<div *ngFor="let data of dataSignal()">{{}}</div>

Feel free to list the pros and cons of each approach. You can even respond to that email with your answers if you want. Tomorrow, I’ll give you my insights.

Increasing binding specificity

Let’s say we want to trigger an action when the user hits enter on their keyboard. We could do something like this, capturing the keydown event and then decide what to do based on the entered key:

While the above works, it’s pretty verbose. Instead, we can make our binding more specific by doing the following:

Now, that’s a lot more specific and less verbose. The same goes for class bindings. Here’s a lengthy example:

Since all we want to do is toggle the green class on or off based on a boolean expression, the following syntax is shorter and better:

You can see these examples in action on Stackblitz.

Combining multiple Observables with ngrxLet

Last month, I explained how to use ngrxLet to render a loading template. Earlier this year, I also covered how ngrxLet can be a great alternative to the async pipe. All in all, ngrxLet is a fantastic directive that keeps improving.

For instance, we can also use it to combine multiple different Observables into one local variable as follows:

Without ngrxLet, the equivalent code would have to use the async pipe syntax trick covered last week:

This also works, but it’s more verbose and has the downside of using ngIf, which is present only because we need a structural directive to enable the local variable assignment micro-syntax.

ng-class for dynamic styling

This is a guest post by Tomas Kotlar. Thanks for your contribution, Tomas! Remember than anyone can reach out to me to contribute or suggest post ideas.

ngClass, as defined by the Angular documentation, is a built-in attribute directive that dynamically modifies the behavior of other HTML elements.

Common use cases

Conditional Styling

Let’s consider a button element that changes color based on whether it’s disabled or active. We can use ngClass to toggle between the ‘active-btn’ and ‘disabled-btn’ classes, giving the button a responsive touch:

Whenever the button is clicked, the toggleDisabled() function will be executed, toggling the value of isDisabled.

As a result, the button will become enabled or disabled based on the updated value of isDisabled, and the corresponding style (active or disabled) will be applied.

Using an Object

ngClass goes beyond just toggling classes. It also lets you iterate over object properties to apply your styles conditionally. This can be handy when working with data-driven apps or displaying dynamic content.

For example, using the following data:

In our HTML, we can apply dynamic styles using an array:

Based on the type (‘hero’ or ‘villain’), the directive applies the appropriate highlight class to the hero card.

Combining classes using conditions

With ngClass, you can mix multiple CSS classes, toggling them individually or creating compound styles:

The hero cards will be highlighted for heroes who can fly and have a different style for heroes who cannot, based on the canFly property.