One more async pipe syntax trick

We’ve covered a few different async pipe syntax tricks earlier in this newsletter, as well as why it’s important to use the async pipe to automate your subscriptions/unsubcriptions from Observables.

Today, let’s see another interesting syntax that can be very helpful when a template has multiple subscriptions, such as:

Even if using ng-container, as we saw earlier this week, is helpful, it would be even better to have just one place where both subscriptions happen.

We can simplify the above by creating a new object that has one property for each Observable value as follows:

That way, all our async subscriptions are in one place, and the rest of our HTML template is much more readable.

New control flow RFC

One of the major announcements on day 1 of ng-conf was the control flow request for comments (RFC).

We’re all familiar with ngFor, ngIf, ngSwitch, and their syntaxes can get tricky at times.

Now what if ngIf was replaced with:

And what if the new syntax supported much more than ngIf, such as else if and even readable else cases:

The goal of the Angular team is to introduce syntaxes that are closer to regular Javascript and remove the need for these structural directives.

for loops would look like this and even support a empty template. All current ngFor local variables would be available automatically with no need for variable aliasing, too:

Finally, ngSwitch would become the following:

Angular CLI would perform the syntax updates throughout your Angular code, so there is no need to worry about rewriting those templates. You can find all the reasons why the Angular team decided on these syntaxes compared to other options in the RFC. You’re, of course, welcome to add your comments and suggestions to the list.

ngFor local variables

We use the ngFor directive so often that it’s easy to forget or even ignore some of its most powerful features.

For instance, it’s fairly common to access the index of an item in the array we’re working with, but there are actually five more local variables than can be used:

  • index: number: The index of the current item in the iterable.
  • count: number: The length of the iterable.
  • first: boolean: True when the item is the first item in the iterable.
  • last: boolean: True when the item is the last item in the iterable.
  • even: boolean: True when the item has an even index in the iterable.
  • odd: boolean: True when the item has an odd index in the iterable.

The syntax to use those local variables is as follows – and you can use as many as you want in a single ngFor directive like so:

Using a loading template with ngrxLet

A while back, I wrote about how ngrxLet is an improved version of the async pipe. I also covered how to use skeleton loaders with Angular.

Today, let’s look at how we can use these two tools to display a “loading” template while an observable is waiting for data.

As a reminder, here is how ngrxLet can be used to track different observable events:

In the above code snippet, we receive the values emitted by the number$ observable in a variable n. We would receive any error in a variable e. We would receive the completion status (true or false) in a variable c.

Here is how we can pass a custom loading template to ngrxLet using a template reference variable:

Of course, the loading template can be customized with anything you want, including a skeleton loader or an animated gif image. That feature is called a suspense template, and an observable is in a suspense state until it emits its first event (next, error, or complete as covered here).

HostBinding and HostListener

A few months back, I suggested that Angular developers don’t use enough directives and use too many components. This is because components quickly become second nature when writing Angular code, while directives are less common and, as a result, can feel more complex at first.

The critical difference between components and directives is that components have an HTML template, and directives don’t. That lack of a template can be slightly uncomfortable at first unless you realize that you still have access to HTML attribute bindings but in a different manner.

For instance, let’s consider the following component template:

Those two bindings used in a directive would become:

In other words, when you see a binding with [] in a component, @HostBinding() does the same thing in a directive.

For example: [id]="testId" in a component template becomes @HostBinding("id") testId; in a directive class.

The same goes for event listeners. This component (click) binding:

Becomes the following in a directive:

As a recap: [] become @HostBinding and () become @HostListener. Those are the same thing. That’s it. No template is needed. For a real-life example of a custom directive, feel free to take a look at this tutorial of mine.

How to create your own two-way data binding with Angular?

If you’ve ever used [(ngModel)] with Angular, you know what two-way data binding is. The idea is to have a variable that works simultaneously as an Input and an Output.

In today’s post, we will see how to implement such a two-way data binding on our own so that we can use the [()] syntax on any of our component properties, such as message in the following code:

Before we get into this tutorial, I want to tease that signal-based components will have such two-way data bindings available out of the box with the following syntax – using a model() function instead of the @Input and @Output decorators we’re used to:

Note that the above feature will not be a part of the initial developer preview of Angular Signals coming out in less than two weeks with Angular 16. However, it might be available in developer preview in six months with Angular 17.

In any case, here is the link to my custom two-way data binding tutorial and a code example in action on Stackblitz.

Creating a dialog in two lines of code

The theme of our week so far is that we don’t always need to think just in terms of components. We saw that directives and CSS selectors can be powerful tools to keep in mind.

Today, I’m going to show how modern HTML and template reference variables can do a lot of work for us with very little code.

Dialogs and modal windows have been a pain to work with for a very long time on the web. Not anymore though.

Here are a few lines of code that makes it all work painlessly:

dialog is a modern addition to HTML with a simple API: show(), showModal(), close(). The above code creates a template reference variable #dialog to get access to the dialog element, and then we call dialog.showModal() to open a modal window. That’s it. No dependency is needed, no CSS trick to create an overlay, no component library, and no jQuery.

Here is a link to a fully working example and a slighter longer tutorial with styling information for HTML dialogs.

ngrxLet: A better version of the async pipe

Yesterday, we mentioned how the async pipe can be used with *ngIf or *ngFor in our templates to declare a local variable that allows us to have multiple expressions using the same data:

<div *ngIf="user$ | async as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

While the above code works perfectly well, it’s not always convenient to add an additional *ngIf or *ngFor in our templates. Another shortcoming of the async pipe is that it doesn’t let us know if the observable has an error or completes successfully.

This is where the ngrxLet directive can save the day, as it solves all of the above shortcomings with a straightforward syntax. Our previous example becomes:

<div *ngrxLet="user$ as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

And if we want to get any errors or the completion status of the observable, we can do so with more local variables exposed by ngrxLet:

<div *ngrxLet="user$ as user; error as e; complete as c">Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

You can find a complete working example here. ngrxLet can be installed as a dependency using npm (npm install @ngrx/component), and it’s important to note that it is not the entire ngrx state management library, just a tiny subset of it, so using that directive does not require using anything else from ngrx.

Here is a link to a slightly expanded version of that tutorial with more information if you want to dig deeper into it: ngrxLet – A better version of the async pipe.

Async pipe syntax tricks

Yesterday, we wrote about how to use the async pipe to automatically subscribe and unsubscribe from our observables.

When I teach that topic, people usually have at least one of these two objections:

What if I also need the data from that subscription in my Typescript code?

At first, using the async pipe seems only to give you access to the data in your HTML templates. That isn’t the case, though, because you can still use the tap operator to “spy” on your observable and get the data from there. For instance (complete example here):$ = nameService.getName().pipe(
    tap(name => = name)
);Code language: TypeScript (typescript)

And then in the HTML template:

<p>Name from async pipe: {{ name$ | async }}</p>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

What if I need to read multiple properties from the object in that subscription?

Another way to put it is that you don’t want to end up doing something like this:

<p>First name: {{ (user$ | async)?.firstName }}</p>
<p>Last name: {{ (user$ | async)?.lastName }}</p>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The above code is pretty hard to read and requires one subscription for each property. This alone can be a disaster, as each subscription might trigger an HTTP request for the same data from the server!

Instead, you can do something like this, which uses only one subscription, stores the result in a local variable, then renders the data when it’s available. This technique works with any structural directive, such as *ngIf or *ngFor:

<div *ngIf="user$ | async as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

If changing the DOM structure by adding an element to accommodate that subscription bothers you, then you can use ng-template instead, though the syntax here can be a little bit unsettling, too:

<ng-template [ngIf]="user$ | async" let-user>
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</ng-template>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Ok, that’s probably plenty enough for today. Tomorrow, we’ll see how we can do even better than this.

Exported Directives

Yesterday, we talked about Template Reference Variables. Today, I want to show you how a directive can be accessed with a Template Reference Variable.

You’ve probably seen that syntax before:

<form #myForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(myForm)" >Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

That syntax is possible because the NgForm directive is exported using the following syntax (actual Angular source code here):

   exportAs: 'ngForm'
})Code language: TypeScript (typescript)

The above code enables the usage of Template Reference Variables such as #myForm="ngForm" . This technique is widely used in Angular forms and component libraries to expose public directive properties (and methods) to your component’s template.

For instance, we can access myForm.value or myForm.valid in an expression.

ngModel is exported that way, too.